St. Augustine

St Augustine, the Patron of our School, was born at Thagaste in Africa in the year 354 A.D. As a young man he led an unsettled life both in the philosophy he professed and his moral behaviour, but later in the year 387 A.D. he was converted and received baptism at Milan from the bishop Saint Ambrose. He came back to his own country and led the life of an ascetic. Elected Bishop of Hippo, for 34 years he was an exemplary Bishop to his people teaching them by his sermons and writings. He died in the year 430 A.D.

“Late have I loved you, O Beauty so ancient and so new.
Late haved I loved you! For behold you were within me.
I sought you outside and in my ugliness fell upon those lovely
things that you have made.
You were with me and and I was not with you.
I was kept from you by those things,
Yet had they not been in you
they would not have been at all”.

(Extract from the confession of St. Augustine)


St. Augustine's School is a minority Christian School established and administered by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Darjeeling. The school is under the religious jurisdiction of the Roman Catholic Bishop of Darjeeling who is also the President of the Governing Body.

St. Augustine's School, Kalimpong, is a school which conducts classes from Lower Kinder Garten to Class XII and is affiliated to the Council for the Indian School Certificate Education, New Delhi. The School is recognized by the Department of Education, Government of West Bengal. SAS is situated in the town of Kalimpong, Darjeeling District. The school was established in the year 1945.

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  • On account of the unforeseen and uncertain situation, the Annual School Day programme for the parents which was scheduled for 26th August stands cancelled. The same programme will be held on 27th August, Sunday at 2:00 P.M. Hence, all the students who are participating in the different Items are to report to school on Sunday at 12:00 NOON.
    • The Annual School Sports Day has been scheduled for Friday 28th April, 2023. Mr. Tsegyal Tashi, IAS, Retd. Secretary, Govt. of Sikkim will be the Chief Guest.
    • ISC and ICSE marksheets and other documents can be collected from the office on working days. School office remains closed during Summer Vacation, 5th to 17th June 2023. 



To form a Caring Human
Community moulding
Conscientious young
Men and Women of
Competence, Commitment
and Compassion.


Rev. Fr. (Dr.) Victor George Fernandes

The history of St. Augustine’s School, Kalimpong reminds us of our humble roots while at the same time it indicates to the good intentions of the pioneers of this institution. to education. Though the founding Fathers may not have envisioned the outcome of today, their desire to serve the community was at the core of their hearts. Hence, they pooled in their energy and resources towards this endeavour. While providing quality education, they gave their best and developed this institution to the required standards.

With its formal beginning in 1945, the school has ... Read More


“Wherever you are, keep the flag of St. Augustine's flying high.” - Bishop Thomas D'souza