The Hostel is situated within the school campus. It presently accommodates 260 boys. We have students from Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and different states of India. The hostel has three sections which are as follows:
Junior (class UKG to 5), Middle (class 6 to 8) and Seniors(class 8 and above)
Health : A family doctor visits the hostel every Monday and Thursday. A nurse is kept aside to take care of the sick in the infirmary.
Catering : Apart from the regular healthy catering, the ill boys and all junior boys are given a supplementary diet.
Entertainment : Every Friday, latest blockbusters are screened (occasionally on the LCD). Every Saturday and Sundays TV serials are also shown.
Music Classes : A music teacher is provided to the hostellers who wish to learn the violin.
Tuition : Mathematics and Science tuition is arranged as per requirements.
Extracurricular activities : Ample opportunities are given to the borders to participate in various co-curricular activities like basketball, volleyball, football, table tennis, badminton, lawn tennis and swimming. Special opportunities are provided for singing and dancing during hostel functions.
Internet : Broadband internet facilities are provided during weekends for class 7 and above onwards on a rotation basis.
The opening of the Hostel Department to cater to the needs of the students hailing from far flung regions was a felt necessity. In the course of time it had to be revamped with an independent charge by creating the post of the Bursar and Minister to handle it. Earlier however the Swiss Fathers had felt that the principal alone could take care of the financial management along with his normal task as the principal.
The new arrangement was not only in keeping with the stated policy of the church to keep wide open the portals of her educational institutions to welcome everyone irrespective of their cast, creed and nationality as a part of an apostolate, but also a sound managerial practice. To this task Fr. Martin Ray, Fr. Hubert Rucksthul, Fr. Joseph Hofstetter, Fr. William Miranda (1976–82) Fr. Noel Pereira (1982–84) Fr. Edward Sangness (1984–1987)Fr. Paul D’Souza(1987–89), Fr. Lawrence Monteiro(1989–93), Fr Abraham K.& Fr. Frederick Lepcha (1993–94)Fr. George D’Souza (1994 – 2000) Fr. Swid Singh (2000–04) Fr. Derek D”Souza (2004– )have greatly enhanced the tone and texture of this institution. Whoever said that, “behind every successful man there is a woman” was a mighty wise guy. Down the years, the Cluny Sisters have provided unflinching support to the School by taking care of the Junior Section and the Infirmary.
The Prospectus is issued well in advance. After filling in the needed information in the Prospectus, it is submitted to the Principal. Once the fee is paid in the account office, the hostel number is given to the ward by the Hostel In –charge. Personal data form has to be filled in along with the photos of the child and guardian.
1. New admission (Hostel Registration fee)(At the time of Admission) Rs. 2000/-
2. Security Deposite (At the time of Admission) Rs. 5000/-
3. Food & Lodge + Hostel Annual Fee (Whole year LKG To X) Rs. 1,20,000/-
4. Food & Lodge + Hostel Annual Fee (Whole year) Rs. 1,30,000/-
5.Personal Expenses (For all at the beginning of each academic year) Rs. 25,000/-
1. First Installment at the time of Admission:
Rs. 60,000. (Rupees Sixty thousand only) DD drawn on SBI or AXIS bank
in favour of ST. AUGUSTINE'S SCHOOL HOSTEL payable at Kalimpong on or before February 16th 2024.
Rs. 65,000/-(Rupees Sixty Five Thousand only) for XI & XII Students.
2. Second Installment
Class LKG&UKG - Rs 48,900/- (Rupees Forty Eight thousand nine hundred only)
Class I & II - Rs 52,500 /- (Rupees Fifty Two thousand Five Hundred only)
Class III to V - Rs 53,000/- (Rupees Fifty three thousand only)
Class VI to X - Rs 59,500/- (Rupees Fifty Nine thousand Five hundred only)
XI&XII Arts/Com - Rs 64,600/- (Rupees Sixty Four thousand Six hundred only)
XI & XII Sc - Rs 66,600/- (Rupees Sixty Six thousand Six hundred only)
DD drawn in favour of St Augustine’s School, payable at Kalimpong before 15th August 2024.
3. Third Installment
Rs. 55,000/-. (Rupees Fifty Five thousand only) DD drawn on SBI or AXIS Bank
in favour of ST. AUGUSTINE'S SCHOOL HOSTEL payable at Kalimpong on before 10th October, 2024.
Rs. 60,000/-(Rupees Sixty Thousand only) for XI & XII Students.
Bank Details: Axis Bank, Kalimpong:
IFS Code: UTIB0000594 , Kalimpong Branch
Bank Details: State Bank of India;
IFS Code: SBIN0000105, Kalimpong Branch
Personal Expenses Rs.25,000/- to be paid in cash.
Summer and Puja vacations are compulsory. The Guardians have to come to fetch the child /ward on the date set in the school calendar. If the Parents are not able to come to fetch the child; they should authorize responsible person and send the authorization letter to collect the child. The Local Guardians can collect the child if he is in a junior section.
Easter and Diwali holidays is optional, however we encourage the guardians to take the children on these holidays too.
Boarders who cannot return promptly after the holidays should inform the Principal in writing before the classes resume.
Outings are given to the middle and senior section boarders on second Saturdays. Pocket money of Rs.100/- is given on such days.
Parents are allowed to visit junior section boarders on second Saturdays.
Occasionally juniors are taken for outings on Sundays.
School Children Park is set especially for the junior boys. Parents are encouraged to take the children during the free time to the school children park on second Saturdays and Sundays.
Picnics are arranged for the boarders occasionally during the holidays.