ICSE 1962
- Address: 15 Carrs Ed, Galston, NSW 2158, Australia
- Year_of_Passing: 1962
- Phone Number: 02 9653 2086 / Fax Number : 02 9651 2689
- Email_ID: keithnliz@ozemail.com.au
- Current_Location: Galston, Sydney
- Message: I will be visiting Kalimpong in Oct 2007 and checking on the web I found St
Augistine's. When I left in '62 I was just 13yrs old but I do remember the Swiss Fathers and the
Cheese factory. I had some Thai friends, one was Ying Yud. They were 3 yrs senior to me. I will
be looking forward to re-visiting my old school.